Energy Producing Industries
We have presence and experience on various energy projects across the African continent. Our registered professionals guide, implement the requirements of the occupational Health and Safety Act in all of the 6 phases of a construction project on behalf of our Clients.
We provide turn key integrated safety management solutions to private and public power producers, Principle Contractors and Trade Contractors in this field. Our safety solutions are tailor made to our Clients’ needs from supplying SACPCMP registered safety professional on a needs analysis basis to for design, development, implement and training on integrated SHERQ Management System. Our industry knowledge is well documented through the implementation of different African legislations as well as industry and world best practices.
Our registered Safety Agents are jointly and severely liable in the implementation industry specific requirements in South Africa on your energy projects. We provide continues tailor made auditing and advisory services in the operations and maintenance sector of existing energy infrastructures.
Our areas of expertise expand across the following energy sectors:
Nuclear Power Sector
Fossil Fuel Driven Power Sector
Renewable Energies:
Solar/ PV Energies
Geothermal Energies
Wind Energies
Hydroelectric Energies
Gas Turbines
Hydrogen Energies
Biomass Energies
Occupational Health and Safety consulting and compliance on behalf of our clients.
Supply of registered safety professionals for construction, operations and maintenance in the energy sector on a needs analysis basis.
Periodic Legal Compliance Audits on Contractors Health and Safety Plans and applicable safety documentation.
Creation and implementation of SHERQ systems for public and private power producers.
Facilitation and submission of Client required documentation for construction Health and Safety permits.
Evaluation of Principle Contractors and their applicable tenders in compliance with Health and Safety requirements.
Creating and tracking of Health and Safety statistics and implementation of mitigation measures in regards to collective trends.
Accredited training as well as inhouse training solutions.
Creation and implementation of SHERQ files/systems for Principle - and Trade Contractors in the energy sector.
Legal Compliance Audits on buildings and infrastructures after completion of construction.
Review and evaluation of designs in line with the requirements of SANS 10400 building codes as well as the creation of compliance reports.
Facilitation and compilation of project specific Baseline Risk Assessment, Health and Safety Specification for Client, Developers and Designers.
Legal advisory services supplied by an advocate specialising in Health and Safety Legislation.